Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Number Five


It's May already and we are on a roll with the Chookshed Challenge.  Thanks Deana for rolling number 5 this month!  I am actually well on my way with my number 5 as it is the quilt I took to retreat last week and worked almost half of it there.

I bought this fabric after our first trip to England, pre-covid.  It reminded me of the fields of sheep we saw as we drove from London to Cornwall.
I never cut into it because I didn't want to ruin the motifs so just stroked it now and then.  
But again, looking at myself in the mirror and not recognizing who is there, some old lady has taken my place, I've decided to use a simple nine patch alternating with the parts I love. I chose very soft colors for the nine patches so it didn't fight with the soft colors of the sheep and children.  I chose the pinks, blues, yellow and greens in the softest shades I had.

Half of it is finished so I'm glad that number five was chosen for a month that is going to be extremely busy and not being home much.  

Good luck everyone!


  1. This will be a beautiful quilt when it is done :-)

  2. What a sweet delightful quilt. You've done a really nice job of getting the feel of the motifs in the alternating blocks. Wish this one was mine. . .

  3. A very pretty quilt . Enjoy working on it..

  4. ooh how pastoral that sheep fabric is....and looks perfect for those squares...

  5. oh that fabric is so pretty..........and look at your perfect hand quilting.........I need to learn how to do that............

  6. Do you mark your lines or lay down a tape line to follow? If you mark, what do you prefer?
