Mid-month accountability for Chookshed Challenge number ten.

The cornstalks have beads for the ears of corn - I'm still working on them as they recede to the back. Probably I will forgo the beans. The Three Sisters will be twins instead of three.
Mid-month accountability for Chookshed Challenge number ten.
This is a year of big changes, big growth leaps for the grands in our family. Everyone is moving on, moving up, just plain growing up and nothing brings that into focus like graduations. Just the word itself means change.
When you are holding your newborn in your arms for the first time you aren't thinking of this day. But there is a something grandparents say to new parents, "don't blink."
Because when you aren't paying attention, when you are living those long, tiring days, this day is suddenly upon you and you are bursting with pride and wiping the tears from your eyes at the same time.We pick often and not lots at a time because I do not make jam, I make these pies.
It is well known among my family that I can flit from one thing to another quite quickly. I can also zero in but they aren't usually around to see that part of my attention deficit.
My number ten Chookshed Challenge is to work on the pre-history map of Lowell and I did actually pull it out of the box for the photo. And I did say that I am happy to work on it while sitting out on the porch enjoying the fine weather we are having.
But then I walked past the bed where the daffodils were all stacked and thought - ugh- if I don't get these trimmed I'll never get them assembled and I CAN sit outside with this. So for the past two entire afternoons I have been spent trimming these 20 stacks of HSTs. I can't believe it's taking so long to do it! Two full, whole afternoons! And they still aren't finished! No wonder I can't get anything done, I am easily bored and if I didn't have an audio book going I would have stuffed them back in a box. I'm too close now to stop so trudge on I will.Well, here we are about half way through the Chookshed Challenge and I'm still in it! I haven't abandoned it in frustration and pressure. I think it's because I chose things for the most part that needed finishing so I wasn't starting new.
Number ten was drawn and this is my number ten, the early pre-settlement map of Lowell. It is meant to be a companion to the street map I did a few years ago but I put this aside when I got stumped. But now I think I can come to terms with it. And there is hope for it now because I can sit in my spot out on the porch and work on it.
I've said it maybe a dozen times that I just can't be inside on a nice, sunny, warm day. Even if I am 'only' sitting out there reading I can't justify being inside because Michigan isn't heavy on warm sunny days. Winters are long. The other day I brought the cranky out on the porch, set up the daffodil blocks and got them all sewed and cut. It was an afternoon among the birds and sunshine and I made some progress. These little HSTs now are almost all ironed open and I will take the machine out again on a nice day and build them into daffodils. I don't think I will ever be sorry I bought this crank machine.