Friday, August 18, 2017

If you give a kid a can of spray paint

Product DetailsDo you know this book?  If You Give a Mouse a Cookie things happen.  One thing leads to another and on it goes.  Kind of like what happens when you give a kid a can of spray paint.

The girls are into playing The Descendants, and they decided they needed to create their backdrops. We had a couple of cans of paint and a couple of old things they could spray and off they went.  These pictures are over two days because they wanted more colors.
 Adelaide is just that much younger that it's harder for her to hold the nozzle down but she persists
 Today they came locked into their parts and ready to paint with the new colors Grandpa bought for them.  We had to move their boards because of the prevailing wind direction and Elizabeth came away from hers loaded all over with sticky seeds.  As we picked them off her paint shirt and out of her hair we had a life lesson in seed dispersal
 Ready to begin again

In the end some of the bushes and trees were treated to a make-over but hey, in a few weeks they will all be losing their leaves anyway.  
They just came in and declared, "we're going to watch a show and eat fudge bars!"  Well, OK!