Thursday, January 4, 2024

Number Six

 My number six turned out to be the quilting of one of two quilt tops on the list.  This is just in the process of pinning at the smoothing out stage.  

Awhile ago Friend Sally was cleaning out and gave me a substantial collection of blocks - an assortment, all completed as blocks but not composed into anything else. She knows I like the 1930s fabrics and this large stash was all 1930s. It isn't helping me use up my stash but these are completed blocks just looking for the next step. The hard work was done. I composed these into a top. Then folded and put away.  It isn't too large, but as I sit in my chair quilting it I think it's a good size for a little girl or an old lady's lap.  I AM using my stash to piece the backs.    There's another one that will pop up as we go along in this stitch along. 


  1. What a bonus to receive some already made blocks. It feels good to get my quilting momentum back after the holidays and it sounds like you have too.

  2. Sally's blocks definitely went to the right person. So, I gather you are hand quilting? That is quite a goal.

  3. Oohhh I like #6, very pretty. Good to see Sally's blocks being used.

  4. Lovely to see the blocks all joined ready to quilt.
