Saturday, January 27, 2024

I'm in trouble now...

One of the numbers on the Chookshed Challenge was to do something with my blue fabric.  I like blue.  I have lots of blues.   I've been drawn to the village quilts, you know, row upon row of houses, and thought the blues would be fun to use in the houses and it would take care of lots of larger pieces of scraps.  But it's piecing and not applique so I thought I should try making one to see if I might go forward with them.  Blue project is number four on the list but if number five isn't called up this month there is some rearranging to be done.  My number five needs to get done.  

Well. As I told the group on zoom the other night, now I'm in trouble.  One test house turned into 15...and counting.  I'm using my crank sewing machine and loving it.  
These are so easy and fun. I'm using bits and pieces for the doors and bigger pieces for the houses and roofs. The pile of pieces I've picked through and are on the spare bed isn't taking care of the main stash because I look at the big pieces in the stash and really hesitate to cut into something for small pieces so I'm back to digging through scraps and small bigger pieces.  Does that make sense?  Which means I may never use those nice cuts.
I don't understand when people say to use your uglies or pieces you don't like.  I wouldn't have bought the fabric if I didn't like it and the larger pieces are still in my stash - some of them for many years - because I LOVE them and don't want to cut into them.  There are no uglies in my stash.  


  1. It's hard using a piece you love and have held on to for years. I have uglies in my stash because of buying FQ stacks. I get fabrics in them I would never in a 100 years pick out myself. It is because of those fabrics that I have stopped buying the stacks. (That and I really don't need more fabric.) I love how the houses are turning out, it is tempting to do some. You've got some lovely blues.

  2. The squirrel got you well and truly!! Great house blocks. Perfect to use us smaller scraps.

  3. Oh my goodness - you are in trouble! Love those blue houses!

  4. It all makes perfect sense to me!!!
