Saturday, April 24, 2021

Happy Day

 My happy day.  The day the garden center opens and very first thing in the morning I go. this place is quite far from here but they have good prices. They are far enough away to make the day feel like an outing in the countryside, which it is.   After a few days hardening off from life in a greenhouse I tip the geraniums out of the hanging baskets, nestle them into my porch pots and it's done. Instant.  I also get a hanging basket for daughter and daughter-in-law and a few little things for fun.  It's always a soul full day, that first day choosing flowers.


  1. Nothing beats geraniums in my book. They are just such a satisfying and dependable flower.

  2. Geraniums remind of my Mum... a lovely old flower .

  3. Fantastic photo of flowers in the back of your car. Spring is finally here and with so much more hope than last year.

  4. your porch is going to look wonderful!

  5. Why, I wonder, do you buy hanging baskets and then tip the plants out? Why not just buy the individual plants? Mysterious. Anyway, I'm with you about the plant therapy. Our garden centres opened on Monday but I thought I'd let the crowds disperse a bit. Next week - I'm there.

  6. That is a car full of happiness.
