I helped out at a quilt show Friday night in the little town of Zeeland. The Pumpkin Patchers bee showcase their quilts every year at this show and I though I'd show you a couple of them. The quilt above was part of an exchange these girls have. Each person furnishes a focus fabric and makes one block. Then, every two weeks the bag o' fabric is handed off to another person to make a square for the quilter. Sort of like a round robin hand off but each person is making one square. I loved the quilt above. The quilter chose a bird fabric for her focus and each person honored those little birds in their square. Up close it was really beautifully done.

This is one of the squares. Isn't is lovely? The one below is another.

I'm very partial to blue and this was so pretty, so crisp. Someday I hope I have the patience to deal with little squares like that and do a quilt like this.

This hand quilting is something I can only aspire to. Impecably tight. (did I spell impecably right?)

This was such a beautiful fall weekend. The temperatures brought zillions of Chicago people to town for the weekend. Our neighbors wanted to go with us to get fresh eggs, see the many animals and the pottery studio we took the girls to. I wish when we had Adelaide and Elizabeth with us we had known this place also had a horse named Dude and a Llama named Sheba. They would have LOVED seeing them. Sheba, apparently, wants all of the attention and when Dude comes to the fence for a little conversation she spits at him. With lots of projection. I had a nice gob of llama spit on my shirt the rest of the day. Charming.
The eggs were the freshest! We even gathered them! The owner even stuck her hand under a hen and pulled one out while momma hen was still sitting on it! Now those of you chicken owners and farmers might think this a chore but to us, it was a whole new experience. I hope next time we have E. and A. there with us we can do this again!

We stopped at a goat farm for some fresh goat cheese. It was fresh and tasty and that rectangle piece at the top was water buffalo camembert. Water buffalo. All I could picture was the yaks in Mongolia. I DID taste it and if I hadn't known what it was I would have said it was tasty. With a bite to it. But since I knew what it was, I didn't have lots.

Could be the last nice day for a nap in the hammock. No, I didn't put those leaves there. They are falling so fast you can hear them swish past each other. I looked out the window and saw he was oblivious to the decorations so I tip toed out to get this picture.
What a beautiful quilt. I didn't know about the show and am sorry I missed it. Love that picture of your hubby!