Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Tuesday Titles

 It's Tuesday!  Here are the two books I read to the kids today. One is silly, one is sweet.

It's coming on to Halloween, if you can push Christmas aside to buy your Halloween candy. I don't know about you who live outside the U.S. but here Christmas started creeping in in late July and its full blown out there now.  

This is the silly one.  The most important ingredient in a witch's favorite soup is a spoonful of frogs. If you can catch them. 

This is the sweet one.  When it first came out it was almost impossible to get a copy because quilters were buying it like crazy. Who wouldn't want this one if you are a quilter? Lucky for me I follow publishers very closely and knew it was coming before it was published and had my order in.  Little ghost wants to be like the other ghosts, light enough to fly easily.  But he is a quilt and so he is heavy. As he tries to enjoy Halloween like the other ghosts his life takes a turn toward an adventure the other ghosts can't experience.  There is a big "awww" factor here.  

Friend Laurie and I went to Shipshewana yesterday. I wanted to find what I needed for new pillowcases for the grands.  I found some really good ones!  I thought of each of the kids and found something that fits them.  We then had lunch and went to the bulk food grocery and stocked up with great prices.

Update on Elizabeth's BA.  On zoom the other night I made the comment that sometimes I struggle with a square so much that I just tear off the applique when I finish, or don't finish it at all.  Sometimes I just didn't like the colors when they got together so I tear it apart and pick new colors.  Sometimes t's something else.  After we zoomed I continued the struggle with the current block and ended up tearing it all out, back to blank background.  I struggled with it so much I was just plain tired of it, didn't like the way it looked, so- gone.  Yet the next block went together in two evenings and its perfect.  I am now going to start on their house and am not sure how it's going to go.  I took a nap today so will hope for the best. 

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