Tuesday, October 22, 2024

A Sky High Adventure

 Our weather has been spectacularly beautiful lately.  Very mild temperatures for October and the colors are peak right this minute.  I have been feeling very guilty about not being out there in it so yesterday PH and I drove three hours north to Boyne Mountain.  It's a ski resort, there's golf and there are trees. Between two of the highest hills/mountains they built this:

Can you see that bridge strung out there with people walking on it?  It's called the Skybridge and you don't get much closer to feeling like you are walking in the sky than this.  
I suggested it to PH for a day trip and thought he would say no because he is very uncomfortable of heights and being out there on something like this, well, it would take all the courage he could muster. BUT he doesn't tell me no.  So we went.
It was a Monday so we thought weekend crowds might be lessened.  Nope.
You go up one ski lift to the top, walk across - everyone going in the same direction, and at the end take another ski lift back down.  

The bridge wobbles a lot. You are walking down then it evens out they you go back up.  Not a lot, but when it evens out in the middle it's also a glass floor.  I kept telling PH, who was concentrating his mostest to get across at all, not to look down.    I thought this would never be something I'd do but lately I've been talking about a hot air balloon or sky diving and so in PH's thinking this was small potatoes. And for me, I was surprised at how easy it was, how short it felt and how quickly it was over!  The views? Spectacular.  Do it again? Absolutely.  

Our son, who grew up on the Indiana Jones movies and can recite every single word of the dialogue of all the movies and relates just about anything to a scene in the movies sent this to me after I told him what we did. He thought I would have the problem with the crossing, not PH.

I don't know why I felt the need to go somewhere else because this is the view outside the door right next to where I am sitting now.  Our forest goes on and on with hills and the trees so golden the glow changes the whole inside of the house to golden.  Sit out there and the leaves fall on you like feathers and you can hear them rustle against each other as they come down.  Everyone says they love fall but hate what's coming.  But you don't want to hurry this.

It's Tuesday and these were my reads for today.  I didn't bring absolute Halloween books with me this time but stuck with the night and with a bat.
Stellaluna has been a favorite for 25 years.  I remember when I worked in a bookstore and it first came in I was won over with the illustrations, they are gorgeous.  
Stellaluna is a fruit bat.  One night she is separated from her mother by a hungry owl but falls into a nest of birds. Well, talk about being confused!  Birds eat yucky bugs and don't hang by their toes and don't fly at night.  She adapts, though she will never like the bugs.  Eventually she finds her momma who promises she will never have to eat a bug again.

This one is silly.  The animals are afraid of some night noise and thus afraid of the night animals the perceive are making the noises.  This one needs close examination of the pictures because the expression on this opossum's face when skunk demonstrates his way of dealing with a threat is hilarious. Not a lot of words in this one, the pictures tell the story so a little one who is learning to read can pretty much handle this one.  I love this one!

1 comment:

  1. my daughter had a book when she was little...whose mouse are you? great illustrations and only a sentence on each page and i can still recite it to this day....
