Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Mid month accountability

 Mid-month accountability for Chookshed Challenge number ten. 

This is the early history 'map' of Lowell - I'm making it up as I go along.  It won't be too crowded because well, there weren't a lot of people here then.  I will trim it, especially the sides after I've declared it finished.  I'm getting close.  There needs to be some bears, foxes, etc. represented.
I broke my fast and went to a fabric store because I needed something that could be interpreted as a white pine tree, it's Michigan's state tree and I needed to show it somewhere.  Couldn't find anything but then I happened on this fabric that had ferns scattered throughout and I thought, well, from the street they can look like white pines.  
The cornstalks have beads for the ears of corn - I'm still working on them as they recede to the back. Probably I will forgo the beans.  The Three Sisters will be twins instead of three.

But I have been working on the daffodil blocks by sewing on the front porch with the cranker machine, appliqueing a message on a pillowcase for college bound Charlie, also.  Picking my battles.

AND I informed the next one to graduate that she needed to give me a year to do a graduation quilt for her.  It can take me years to start to finish a quilt so saying I need a year is speeding things up in my life. Well.  In the back of my mind I knew what she was going to choose.  That's how well I know this kid.  And I was right.  She chose a Baltimore Album quilt!!!!  Oh, my. Instant panic mode and emergency outreach to Friend Barb who has no quilting fears and works fast and made a stunning red and white Baltimore Album.  I've looked online for examples and they run from super fussy to more sparsely decorated.  I am going to go with continuing to look for a couple of weeks, gather motifs that interest me and meet the requests of granddaughter and during that time get these current projects underway. this one will be completely hand appliqued.

This is going to blast the Chookshed Challenge right out of the water.  


  1. Lovely your grand daughter wants a quilt Barb, even if she has chosen a challenging one! I am sure your challenge will get done eventually, it is looking great.

  2. A Baltimore Album, wow! That is a tall order. No worries, you can just change your goals. That is allowed you know.
    I would have never known those pine trees were from fern fabric. Great eye! Great job doing a fabric fast. I definitely need to.
    Deana (can't log into my blogger email from my phone)
