As promised, here is the other quilt I did for the other twin baby boy in the family. I'm pretty happy with this one, too. Very different from the little pirate one in my last post, but just as cute, I think.

Close up - the colors for the sashing and the border were spot on. Those were lucky days at the quilt shop!

Well, here we are again, taking pictures of cookies. But I had to! And yes, I just had to buy this maccaroon, too! I'm not even a big fan of coconut but a few more of these and I will be! I went back to the Nantucket Bakery this morning for more bundukie and chocolate cookies with sea salt sprinkles and a couple of peanut butter cookies and I could not, just could not leave without one of these massive maccaroons....

And it's light, chewy, the chocolate is smeared all over the bottom so you get a little taste of chocolate in each bite. I don't know how well something like this would freeze so I just had to start nibbling at it and well, it's half gone now. The peanut butter cookies and the chocolate cookies with sea salt sprinkles are in the freezer. I take one out in the morning as I leave for work and it sits on my desk next to my tea and I nibble them through the morning. Just nibble.Well, maybe with the chocolate cookies I might take bites...

This morning the lady in front of me in line said, " This is such a happy place. You walk it, it smells wonderful and everyone has a smile on their face because they know they're going to walk out of here with something wonderful in their hands." Wow - she was spot on. I know I sure walked out with wonderful things in my hands! It's a very small place. The bakers are all right out in plain view, One small display case and a few bread racks but when you ask for something it seems to materialize. There are no donuts. Breads galore, about 8 different saucer sized cookies, muffins, scones, breads, they do some foccacia, and some pizza and bread. Pies, some but not many sweet rolls and oh, did I mention breads? I almost melted when I saw a fresh, beautiful golden yellow brioche held up for approval. I'm a cookie monster. I went in for cookies and didn't have a lot of money so I had to focus.
I had to go back this morning because we're packing up and returning home. For January and February we've been house sitting at my brother's in the city but it's time to go home. They are on their way back and we have to leave. It's been really nice during the worst winter months not to worry each night if we'll get to work in the morning or during work watch the snow fall and wonder if we'll get home. From home to here it's an hour drive. From this house to work it's 5 minutes. So, while here we've been visiting with friends, not worrying about commutes, saving lots of gas money and time, I've spent time with my girlfriends, browsed bookstores, gotten lots of quilting done, seen my grand-daughters more often, stayed up later and slept longer, visited Nantucket Baking Company and added hours to the day.
So, why don't we just move to the city and leave where we are? Because our home is at the end of the rainbow. A dream come true. And while we can, we're going to live in the dream.