These are images of a reversible quilt I made for my grandson for his baby quilt (first grandchild). The quilt came from the song (and children's book) "What a Wonderful World" lyrics by George David Weiss and Bob Thiele, sung by Louis Armstrong. The illustrations in the picture book are by Ashley Bryan. My son enjoys Louis Armstrong and when I saw the illustrations for this book I knew this was the quilt to make for his first baby. Good Friend Marilyn does my math for me and these are almost identical to the page in the book. It's one of my favorite quilts and everytime I see it I marvel at how I took on a project like this. It was my very first foray into "go-without-a-pattern." The moon, you can't see it very well in the photo, is a crescent inside a full moon, two different fabrics.
It took DAYS to figure out how to quilt this. Light thread would show on the black side, dark thread would show on the light side. It's a good thing I have an hour commute to and from work so I could "chew" on this a few days. Finally, in a "eureka!" moment I decided to take one tiny stitch, no pattern, sort of a dotted Swiss approach with a light thread but the stitch was inside the polka dot on the black side so it wouldn't show light on dark. Amazing!
Oh, and I bought a new, super duper wonderful camera so my photos will look a lot better in coming days.