Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Big News and Books

 First the BIG news!  I FINISHED QUILTING ELIZABETH'S  BA QUILT LAST NIGHT!!!  Just have to make and apply the binding but the quilting is finished !!!!

But I still can't show it.  

 March is Reading Month around the U.S. and the school where I read does a fun activity.  They list 16 books and every classroom reads all of the books and in an elimination bracket like the basketball tournaments a clear favorite stands out in the end.  Usually I have several of the books and have read some of them to the kids.  

This year the second of the Knight Owl books was listed and the kids in the class I read to had just heard the second book.  They didn't know there was a first book.

This is it, the first one.  Knight Owl wanted to be a knight his whole life.  When the big, strong knights begin disappearing a call is put out for replacements and Owl gets his chance.  He's perfect for the job even if he is teeny.  He's an owl.  He doesn't sleep at night so is perfect for the night watch. 
It doesn't take long to find out why the other knights were disappearing. A dragon was eating them.  Knight Owl uses his cleverness to dissuade the dragon from eating HIM.

This is the second book (because Knight Owl was such a success the author did another.) Knight Owl was a successful knight and along comes Early Bird.  Early Bird is a chatty little thing that won't let Owl sleep during the day like he's supposed to.  They have words.  Early Bird leaves. There is an adventure - like wolves in the night forest. 
I asked the kids - how do you read a wordless book?  One little girl said, "you look at the pictures." And I replied, "carefully."  I absolutely adore this book.  It's wordless and the nuances in the artwork are brilliant.  You simply must spend time on each page finding the story.  
The prehistoric humans are living in a cave and their fire goes out.  No matches, of course, so someone has to go find fire.  The red headed son raises his hand to volunteer.  He takes his roll of fur for a bed, his spear and off he goes.  He encounters saber toothed tigers, injures himself, rescues a baby wooly mammoth and well, finds fire.  Then he has to get it home.  

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your BA finish. That's quite an accomplishment, can't wait to see it!
