Thursday, November 7, 2024

"Pity the Nation"

 My state of disbelief is beyond words so I had to let someone else say them.  I don't even have the capacity to react.  Disgust? Shame? Fear? I'll think of a few more when my heartrate settles down and my stomach stops churling.

My disappointment is mammoth.  I never, ever dreamed that the entire U.S. was so overrun with people who are bigoted and intolerant, who believe white people are the only ones worthy of living life, who would actually allow old white men to tell them what to do, who believe it's so ok to hate, to disrespect the person sitting next to them.  Who want to turn our history back 400 years ago.  That's not you, you say? Really? 

NEVER EVER did I think this is what people believed, truly in their hearts.  How can you hug your children if you believe in this person?  How can you smile at your neighbor if you believe in this person?  How can you proclaim yourself if you believe in this person?  People would actually say they 'didn't like what he said but liked his policies" and I would laugh.  He has no policies.  He doesn't know what a policy is.  YOU weren't listening.

Now, I know those of you who voted for this poor excuse for a human being think I am the one who is all of these things.  That I am the one casting aspersions on you, if you voted for him.  That I am the one who needs tweaking.  That I am the one who is intolerant of you.  Maybe so, now.  But I don't think so.  If  YOU voted for him you did this. You think his hatred, his complete ignorance, his criminal behavior, his white supremacist beliefs, that putting him in front of a microphone and doing NOTHING but spewing hate and name calling, things we put our children in time-out corners for, things we don't allow on the playground with kindergarteners, you applauded it, and rewarded it with the highest honor a citizen of the U.S. could hope for.  You allowed someone into that chair who declared he WOULD be a dictator and punish women and surrounded himself with the scariest power hungry white men.  You did this. After what will be 14 years of his vile behavior I don't know if we will ever turn away from indecency.  I hope you know something that I don't because God help us all. 

Now, that's the last I'm going to say about this, even though my heart rate won't slow down and my stomach won't stop churling and I am trying to decide what to do about the people I personally know who voted for him.  My capacity for forgiveness, let bygones be bygones, doesn't stretch that far. 


  1. thank you for giving words to the turmoil that is churning in my mind, body, soul ... i can't even

  2. We are amazed and can't understand here too.

  3. in my book neither candidate was worthy of the office...
