Thursday, September 26, 2019

I Need to Tell You Something

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I need to tell you something.
But I can't.  I need to tell you that when you comment on my blog and I don't already have your email address, I can't let you know I've seen your comment.  I am internet stupid.  I am Blogger stupid. I have tried it and it's true, I will really mess up my entire blog if I start pushing buttons to try to get my comment section to allow me to reply to your kind comments. But I also want to let you know  I go to your blog home site and while "email me" is highlighted, it doesn't allow me to send an email to you.  

So.  Please know that if I personally have your email address I will and do email back to you to comment on your comment, just to let you know I've seen it and thank you for visiting my blog.  But if you are new to my blog or have started to comment I need to tell you I DO see them and thank you for visiting but can't let you know individually.  I am not ignoring you.

So. Thank you and please understand.

Also.  If anyone knows how to fix this issue, how to fix it so I can reply from my blog  like I used to be able to do, I welcome your help.  In the meantime, thank you for reading, It's good to know I'm not whistling in the wind.



  1. Thank you Denice for being so honest and willing to put this issue 'out there'. Another option is after say this comment is posted to your blog, there is a little 'Reply' word you can click on and you will be able to post your reply to the comment there. True not as good as an email, but hey, at least it is a start. Good luck my friend - I am one with you!

    1. This is true, June, but the reply shows up HERE, not to you.

    2. That's OK, I visit your blog quite often, so I wil pick it up if you put in a reply.

  2. I can’t help you as I have a wordpress blog. Every time someone leaves a comment I receive an e-mail from Wordpress and I can reply to that e-mail. I’m sure there must be something like that in Blogspot as well. But don’t worry, I hardly ever receive a reply to the comments I leave, so maybe there are more bloggers having this issue!

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