I know a lot of people who go camping. Australia Jenny and Bernie spend weeks on their camping trips. Friends Laurie, Karen and Dave, Pat and Bill, Jan and Joe, Bob and Carolyn (just finishing an almost three month trip throughout the western United States.) I don't camp. I thought back and can remember the last time I went camping was when I was 13. It didn't end well, that trip with a group of girls all the same age and chaperoned by someone who didn't show up. So when Karen and Pat decided it would be great fun if we three couples went camping together I had to smile and agree but thought in my brain "Oh, boy. Now what do I do?" And to be totally honest I fretted about this weekend for a long time. Karen and Dave have their own camper (about half the size of this one) and we were to stay with Pat and Bill, this is their "camper."
Well. Camping has come a long way in 55 years. Now, it seems if you're off the ground and your "camper" could be considered a small cottage (or house) on wheels, it's called RVing. For those of you who don't, that means Recreational Vehicle-ing.
This is not camping.
This is not camping.
This is not camping (full size refrigerator.)
This is not camping (outdoor kitchen.)
Dave is a master cook. He smokes his own meat, makes his own bacon, pastrami, cheeses, turkeys, you name it, Dave smokes or cooks it and he volunteered to do breakfast Saturday morning.
Smoked brisket hash. This is not camping.
Smoked brisket hash, a delicious cheesy thing Pat made, coffee cake. This is not camping.
The guys are off sight seeing in the mode of transportation in this RV park. Pat and Bill's "camper" is permanently settled in this gorgeous park that reminded me at every turn of the condo resorts in Florida. My goodness it's beautiful.
We took the second turn on the tour.
It was beautiful blue sky day and if you can't get tickets to the football game then you do the next best thing.
But the girls went to the pool
We settled in while the campfire got underway. Those aren't sippy cups of wine, they are homemade cordial. You sip, enjoy the fire, talk, try not to fall asleep (PH over there was struggling with that!)
Our campfire was a masterpiece - this IS camping.
But how many campfire gatherings come with their own personal ukulele player/serenade?
This park loves their "campers" and are very often feeding them - for free. This morning it was a pancake breakfast.
Full bellies, and a happy end to a beautiful weekend with good friends! We were making plans to make this an annual event. And there will be no more fretting on my part about going "camping."
See? I told you this was the mode of transportation in the park!