Friday, June 1, 2018


Strawberries are the first of summer berry picking and I can't pick enough of them.  It's getting close but not yet.  In the meantime, rhubarb is really the first sweet thing to come out of the ground and every year I make a rhubarb pie for my brother.
PH prefers a rhubarb crisp so I made one of those, too. 

Elizabeth likes to color code the pins in my pincushion and when she's here watching TV my chair becomes her chair.  Usually she makes a face with the pins and I had to laugh yesterday when I went for the pincushion and found this.
 I wonder if she was so intent on the movie she was watching to notice she spelled her own name wrong! 


  1. Oh Yum you are the best cook! Isn't it funny how kids love to play withe the pins. Josh used to do that when he was a kid.

  2. I laughed out loud when I read "sweet" and "rhubarb" in the same sentence!!!
