Many hands worked on this quilt. A couple of years ago Friend Elke in Germany and I organized our friends in a round robin exchange. Elke and seven of her friends and seven of my friends and I each made a center medallion. We packaged them up and sent them on. For almost a year we traded and made borders. Then, heartbreak. Our package of eight finished quilt tops was broken in transit and five of the quilt tops were lost. I was frantic and sick and scoured the postal system looking for the tops and begging the postal authorities for help in the search. I could hardly breathe. I was in anguish for the women who worked so hard on our quilts and for the five of my friends who didn't receive theirs.

It was months before I could look at this gorgeous piece of art without crying but I promised myself and Elke that after we moved and the house was settled I would bring it out and quilt it. I had to honor the work of the women who made this for me and I had to love it for me. I brought it out and began the first of January.
It is SO me! I like all colors (except teal) but blue is my favorite, the one I gravitate to. I love birds. The closer I got to it as I hand quilted it the more I saw the detail in stitch and color choice the women in Germany made. It truly is a beautiful thing.
I finished it last night, my hands the last to work it.
That is a beautiful quilt. Oh I can only imagine the anguish when those others got lost. Maybe just maybe, against all odds they may turn up one day. We can only hope.