I don't make brownies from scratch. I did once or twice but then I found a really, really good packaged mix from the Martha White brand. I couldn't beat it with a scratch recipe. But now, I can't find it anywhere. It would be awful if they discontinued it. At a loss for what to do I stood in front of the brownie mix display at the grocery store and pondered. What did I dare to chance? Ghiradelli is tops in chocolate so maybe their brownie mix? This decision really should not have taken as long as it did but, alas, it did. I went with the Ghiradelli brand brownie mix.
Saturday the girls were coming over for dinner so I could show Elizabeth what happens to mozzarella cheese when it cooks in lasagna.
I made the brownies. I like thick brownies so I always use a smaller pan than recommended. Being a new experience with a new mix I just had to sample:

Rest assured. I've found a new mix! An acceptable brownie mix! We, the 6 of us, almost polished off the whole thing! Adelaide ate two! They were still ever so slightly warm. And not even with the Martha White mix did everyone sit around licking fingers (I don't frost my brownies...overkill.) and commenting about how good they were. So, I can recommend with confidence Ghiradelli brownies! Not that you cared - but just in case.
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