Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Chookshed Challenge Accountability

 It's mid-month accountability time for the Chookshed Challenge.  I surprised myself when I pulled out the blocks I'm doing for Elizabeth's graduation quilt and saw there are six.  I'm really having fun with it.  Luckily she didn't request really busy blocks and I'm enjoying looking for blocks that mean something to her far.  She requested the predominant colors of red, green and yellow.

You've seen the Hamilton logo, and I think I caught it the third time.  What it needed was for the legs and arm to be thinner.  The red pineapple is for her choice to study Colonial history/archaeology. The laurel wreath was a request to remind her of Ancient Rome. The acorn/oak leaf is because she has an oak tree outside her bedroom window that has been dated to before the Civil War (1860s) and to which she is allergic ( !!! ) and makes her miserable in the spring.  The yellow cat is for her yellow cat, Hobbes. That one is still being worked on as I diddle with the leaves.  The yellow/red flower is because she asked for 'lots of flowers' and was the one I did after Hamilton.  

Not sure how many more than 20 blocks I will do because she wants sashing but at this rate I have many ideas, 6 more cut and waiting to be stitched and some that I haven't even gotten 'lots of flowers.'   I'm thinking I'm going to have to hide some Easter eggs in some of the blocks because they might not get blocks of their own. 

I am feeling much better about this quilt after my initial panic upon seeing she wanted a Baltimore Album.  It is what I am working on almost exclusively but I just took a day last week to grab a bundle of scraps I was tired of looking at and on a nice porch day put my cranker sewing machine on this table on the front porch and started to put them into a VERY scrappy I-don't-care-what-happens-to-it topper for the kitchen table. I will just be glad the scraps are not in the bin anymore. 

So, as August slips by us very quickly and is going to give us exactly six unplanned days till the end, I am very glad we are retired and have time.  That was a joke. 

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Chookshed Challenge 3

 Chookshed Challenge number 3 is to work on my Liberty of London circles.  I have a lot, a LOT done but still have some not done and a few more white backgrounds to cut and so they languish.  To be honest, Friend Barb and I were kind of working on this project together.  Of course hers is done and beautiful but I just plain got bored.  But, since this is August and there are couple of long drives coming up I think I'll take them along and see if I can applique in the car.

It would be SO nice to finish this one.

Otherwise, I continue with the Baltimore Album.