Fifty nine years ago this is what I looked like.
She's pretty darned cute in that apron she got from Aunt Erin for Christmas! Isn't that the cutest apron you've ever seen? Isn't she the cutest little girl? She took to it like I take to aprons, too. She wore it all day Saturday and Sunday.
Everyone kept saying this is what I look like in an apron NOW! Top to bottom. All she needs is the ladle in her hand. I guess it could be worse than to look like this sweetie.
We had our family Christmas last weekend so we corralled the kids for a picture but poor Charlie was feeling very poorly - isn't someone always sick (or pregnant) over Christmas? Around here it seems so. Usually it's me after being exposed to 450 children at school, more than half of them coughing and sneezing. Charlie was battling a bad fever and just couldn't get his little self off the couch or someone's lap. It was sad to have him miss the fun of playing with Elizabeth and Adelaide but he just couldn't move. His little sister Cecilia was in top form for the both of them, though. Sweethearts all. We had a good weekend. I hope all of you have a good one this Christmas weekend coming up.

This is my recipe file. It's one of those challenges in life. When I need something I sit on the couch or at the dining table and start going through it. Problem is, I know if it's in here somewhere. I know if it's a torn out magazine page or a newspaper clipping or a notecard or something scribbled on a napkin. I know what I'm looking for, and if I tried to organize this, or as Patient Husband suggested, putting them on the computer, then I wouldn't know what I'm looking for. I did once, when the kids each got married I typed out a cookbook for them to take with them to their new life. I included all of the things they liked and the things they'll wish they asked for when I'm dead. It would have been so easy to print one out for myself, but I didn't. I wouldn't know what I'm looking for.
Friend Marilyn tried to make the
peppermint patties from a previous post. I heard from my daughter that Friend Marilyn was not happy. She didn't have much fun and said she wouldn't make them again. Whoa! Friend Marilyn! Not so fast! Before going to that extreme, let's go over this a little. Turns out the problem for her was the chocolate. I melt mine in the microwave so the chocolate can be very runny. Hers was over a double boiler and was thicker than mine. My trick to melting chocolate in the microwave is a trick Barefoot Contessa Ina Garten also uses (and, by the way, a technique I am pleased to say I used before seeing her do this). When microwaving the chocolate, first temper it a little by putting the control on defrost for a slow, slow start. Then I put it on a higher temperature for one minute at a time till it's melted. I can then control how thick its consistency is and it won't seize. You want the chocolate runny, not thick. So, Friend Marilyn, don't give up. These are the easiest thing you will ever make. Give them another try. Valentine's day is coming and they can be tinted a sweet pink.
We hide a pickle in the Christmas tree and the first one to find it gets an extra gift. It was daughter Lisa's turn to hide the pickle and provide the gift (each year's finder is next year's hider/gifter). Patient Husband found it and this was the gift. Well,
I was excited about this book because just a couple of weeks ago I tore out an article from the newspaper about this and tucked it away for future reference. Patient Husband heard a story on NPR yesterday with the author. I'm sorry I missed it. It's
very interesting and I spent most of yesterday afternoon and evening with it. I'm always interested in the historical record and this is fascinating.

All in all it's been a festive Christmas weekend for us. Patient Husband is back at work till end of day tomorrow, I've been catching up on sleep with a long, long nap yesterday and one coming up yet today, and reading and when I can keep my eyes open for more than an hour I'll start stitching again. I never realize how tired I am from my job until I have a few days off and can let down for more than a weekend.
As you all prepare for this coming weekend of festivities with families, I hope it's all good.