Snappyfriends challenge is something orange. I didn't realize I had so many pictures of orange things till I started thinking about it.

These are the dyed rovings. I looked for springy colors and there is a nice green combination in there, too.
I have a couple of very talented neighbors who do woodworking. I asked Friend Walter if he would make a couple of wooden needles. I needed them to be about a foot long, big eyes, tapered ends for weaving things in my garden loom. This is what he came up with and they are perfect. Perfect.
After Fiber Fest we stopped at a restaurant called The Grill House for lunch. They have these wonderfully comfortable gliders on the patio and if you are lucky enough to get one, lunch can take a very long time. What a relaxing way to eat a meal! I had the most amazing tilapia wrap with peach salsa. OMG it was good! Patient Husband was looking over the beer selection and settled on one called "400 Pound Monkey"
Creative space this week saw me finishing those long unfinished projects. I finished the Christmas block for the retreat I'm going to in October, I am putting the binding on the sampler that I took my very first quilting lessons on (!!!) and pinned the batting and back to the scrappy flower quilt Elizabeth wants. The gingerbread men are done, too. There is a new development in the saga of Christine. I'll talk about that another time. I have to make sure she understands.
I'm introducing myself to her.
And speaking of Charlie, was I nuts to give a four year old my very expensive camera and let him "play" with it during his t-ball practice? Probably, but the photographer/grandma in me had to let him. I was amazed at his eye. Of the most basic things to learn: 1) don't move the camera when you press the button and 2) composition are two elements he seems to have a full grasp of...for a four year old. Though the don't-move-the-camera-when-you-press-the-button part my grandpa never figured out. Till the day he died any picture he took had headless people in it. But Charlie was surprisingly natural about it. Here are some of the pictures he took. I'll caption them, but they do tell their own story.
This was their last practice before their last game so the coaches decided to have the coaches/parents vs. the kids game.
Game over, sun setting, time for the popsicles.
After practice we went for something to eat. He took these, too.
This was the toy ball machine directly behind our booth.
Pretty good, don't you think? He took 69 pictures. I spared you most of them, but I did want to share my budding photographer's shots.
I bought the book TheFarmer's Wife Sampler Quilt - Letters from 1920's farm wives and the 111 blocks they inspired by Laurie Aaron Hird today. I've had my eye on it for ages and it was never in the bookstore when I was, but today - there it sat, right in front like it was waiting for me.
I also bought 97 Orchard - An edible history of five immigrant families in one New York tenement by Jane Ziegelman. I'm very interested in the experiences of the immigrants in the early part of the century and use a magnifying glass when I look at the pictures of Jacob Riis. Plus, hey, it's about food!