Years ago I took a quilting class and this was our lesson. We learned what to do and how to do it. Piecing, curves, points, measuring. This was the class that I took to prove to myself I would not like quilting. Turned out the last laugh was on me. I loved every part of the process, but I never finished it! The quilting is about half finished and I pulled it out of the drawer to finish it now. Enough waiting! I can't even remember which year this was!

Years ago, Friend Marilyn and I shared this gingerbread man pattern and I had so much fun making the little guys I got carried away and made lots. But again, I never finished quilting them and so I pulled THIS one out of the drawer and am actively finishing it. They were cute and smily with their belly buttons. It's funny how our taste changes as time goes by. I still have a lot of these browns in the scrap stash and as I use them I think "Oh, this was a gingerbread man!" So, little guys, you are going to see the light of day for real.

Years ago, I collected pink fat quarters and then pale blue fat quarters to make a pink and white quilt. Then a blue and white quilt. When the box got to be two boxes I pulled them out a couple of years ago to just cut them into squares then triangles and put them back together willy nilly miss matched to make a soft pinky/bluey quilt top. A "utility" quilt, Patient Husband's aunt would say. It's very soft and pretty and I took IT out of the drawer, and sewed those triangles and squares together on the back porch the other day. I dug around for pink for sashing. It's pretty. Nothing special, a simple "utility" quilt.

So, I decided that instead of starting something new, I'm going to finish something old. SomethingS. Christine is still waiting for me.