Sunday, June 5, 2016

Memorial Day

       I met this young man, a Marine veteran on Memorial Day ( what is Anzac day to my Australian friends). He was walking along the side of the highway in the U.P.  He was alone, carrying the flag.  We passed him, but as soon as we did I started fidgeting in my seat, sighing, mumbling about missed opportunities.  After about a mile PH asked if I wanted him to turn around.  Yes.
       When we caught up with him, he was taking a food and water break brought to him by his wife and toddler daughter in their truck.  I asked where he was heading and where he started.  He said he was going from Marquette to Munising, forty miles and he had started at 6 a.m. that morning. His wife said he does this for Memorial Day, this IS his Memorial Day, remembering and doing. He was, as you can see, most gracious.  I shook his hand and thanked him.
      When we drove away, I realized I had not asked his name.  I fretted about that for a few hours but then realized it didn't matter. He was all of them.


  1. Well done on the photo and the story. It's good to see the faces and hear the stories of those who serve.

  2. From WestMichigan Quilter
    Thank you! To you and to him.
