Friday, September 4, 2015

Last hurrah

Our last hurrah for the summer on Thursday was spent at the beach.  We went back to South Haven for the day and the girls chose the city beach because we hadn't been there yet this summer. 
 We barely locked the car and they took off for the teeter totter.

 If there is something to climb, Adelaide will find it.
 If there is something to climb, Adelaide will find it.

 And while Adelaide climbed, Elizabeth and Grandpa went for a turn on the swings

Then they met a very nice little girl, her little brother and Grandma.  While I sat with the Grandma and visited, the girls bonded.  We shared our snacks with them and they shared theirs with us and the hours flew
 The waves were quite big but the green flag was out so Grandpa took them out, along with their little friend, and dove into the waves. 
This was the most exhausting fun they'd had in ages, they said. And it was a day they didn't want to end, but we needed to have them home and so had to say goodbye to the lake.  Sherman's Ice Cream was our lunch (Grandma and Grandpa can do that when Mommy isn't looking) and Adelaide downed a full size chocolate malt in about three seconds.  She said it was the best.
    We said goodbye to Shermans, to the beach and the summer's adventures with each other and they slept all the way home.  Summer of 2015 draws to a close.  School starts Tuesday.

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