Sunday, July 23, 2017


When we revisit South Haven, where we used to live, the girls always have a list of "have to's" and the bumper car/miniature golf place is always on the list.  It's definitely a "have to."

PH and I don't drive the cars.  We are quite sure these little cars would be like a kayak.  They would have to bury me in mine because once in, we'd never unfold ourselves back out, so we take pictures and cheer from the sidelines.
 This year Elizabeth was tall enough to reach the petals, sort of, so she drove for the first time.  Really, we found out later, she steered, mom and dad had their feet on the petals. 
 The looks on Elizabeth's face were hilarious as she steered through the course.  Check these out!

PH and I were laughing so hard.  I was taking pictures not realizing how intense she was till we looked at them after.


  1. Oh Lordy! One day she will be on the road for real! ..........and by then I am sure she will be a safe and secure driver.......what priceless photos. These will definitely have to be bought out at her 21st birthday. Bought a smile to my face today. 😂

  2. From uncertainty, to, I have got this now, just a bit of practice required..Ha ha

  3. Looks like the girls and the parents enjoy it.
