Monday, October 5, 2015


There's a song that starts:  "My bags are packed, I'm ready to go, standing here outside the door..."

And indeed I am packed for retreat weekend.   You're laughing, you machine people.  I do travel light. There are four pieces in this basket to be hand quilted, my hoop, a baggie of perle cotton, my little sewing basket ( which I love and always have next to me. A gift from SSCS friend Jenny two Christmases ago,)  my lamp and footstool.  I can't hope to finish all four projects so I consider this as taking a lot.  Oh, there's also a tote tucked in there with a ball of yarn and a knitting project. I hit a bump in the road on that one and I want to ask SIL Joyce about  getting back on track.

There will be twelve of us. This year there will be two new to the group and we are a little excited about showing them around. I can see us being like little kids when new company comes and we are led around by the hand being shown favorite toys.  We are coddled and cooked for and sleep in luxurious beds with giant pillows and dry ourselves with thick towels in heated bathrooms.  The inn keepers are like favorite aunts we get to visit once a year.  We catch up on stories and take pictures and time both stands still and speeds up.  Our heart rates slow as we relax, sew, eat, sleep.  But the earth does continue to spin on its axis and eventually our time is up and we have to come back to reality.  The B & B is on 130 acres and is stunningly gorgeous with ponds, pine forests and porches. We truly pray for good weather so we can walk the paths and sit on the porches. 

Now I just have to wait for the departure day. Is it any wonder we can't wait?

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