Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Snappy oranges and shrimp

Our daughter and her family had friends visiting from Minnesota and Saturday they came to spend a couple of days here to enjoy the beach. The plan for Saturday night dinner was a shrimp boil on the beach. Patient Husband and I were very nervous about getting all of the food, 6 adults, two babies and beach supplies down 140 steps. Very nervous! We were going to pull out our "we're old" card, but the neighbors in the next neighborhood (which is right next to our house) graciously allowed us to use their ramp so we wagonned our supplies, including the very heavy propane tank and burner, HUGE pot already filled with water, all the food, six adults, two babies and beach supplies down to the beach. After that, things only needed to be taken to the water's edge. I was picturing cooking over hot rocks and was very happy to see the propane tank!

Fun in the sun! Hot from the pot!
Notice Elizabeth right in the middle of the whole thing. She liked the sausage and potatoes best. She kept passing corn to Adelaide. It was a yummy beach evening.

Snappyfriends challenge is something orange. I didn't realize I had so many pictures of orange things till I started thinking about it.

The night I stood on the bluff to scream at the lake, this is what the lake gave back. I apologized for the scream (thought I really meant it at the time.)

Then I noticed this picture of Patient Husband's beer the day we went to Fiberfest and we ate at this restaurant, gliding our way through lunch (see previous Fiberfest posting for the glider lunch.) Why did I take a picture of a glass of beer? I don't really have an answer for that but it fits with orange so I'm glad I did!

These felted pumpkin heads were at Fiberfest and I thought they were cute. The exhibitor was teaching passersby the technique of felting and she showed me, but honestly, I'm not in the market for yet another hobby. I thought they were fun, though. The variety of expressions reminded me of apple head dolls.
I AM quilting. I'm quilting with perle cotton the pink flowered scrappy quilt that Elizabeth claimed. She inspected it over the weekend and pronounced "it's good." I will have the next chapter on the saga of Christine soon.


  1. I had better get organised for orange............maybe I could snap the mandarins on the tree.........the only orange I would have around the house.......
