Monday, August 16, 2010

snappy clock

It was a good idea a few weeks ago and I still think it's a good idea. The Snappyfriends assignment for this two weeks is clocks. Clocks tell time. Well, as I was standing on the pier a few weeks ago the Friends Goodwill tall ship was just leaving the channel and along zipped a jet ski as I clicked the frame. I thought " Wow! If this doesn't represent the passage of time I don't know what does!!" I love that this accidental picture happened. And I do think it's a clock.


  1. Hi Denice,
    Lovely boat in the photo, you don't see those often. I've been enjoying the string art in the last post, how interesting to follow her tracks and see what she had been thinking.My cat also enjoys yarn art but I try to discourage his artistic attempts!
    Louise x

  2. wonder what they would have thought in their time period of the sailing ship if they saw the jetski.......
