Snappyfriends this week is looking for something old. I had a good think on that one. My son-in-law, being a geologist, has several fossils lying about the house but I forgot to take a picture when I saw them Friday. I asked my Patient Husband if he would let me post HIS picture and he said, "no." Then Sunday I noticed these lovely dessicated bananas lying on the counter and voila! Something old!
They did give themselves up to a batch of banana bread shortly after the picture was taken. It was about time!
Yesterday was Mother's Day. After most of the day of putzing about the house and yard, tackling small jobs, I gave myself the rest of the late afternoon and evening to tackle the quilt for granddaugher #3, the one that's giving me slight design problems that Friend Marilyn helped me sort out last week. I managed to get ALL of the hollyhocks sewn on, a large part of the design, and can now "see" what's happening and going to happen. I like to take an idea and turn it into a quilt but sometimes my mathematical proportions aren't right. I have never been nor never will be mathematical so sometimes I need "proportional" help. It's good to have a friend who can see what I can't.
need to take my pics for the week...........these are perfect bananas for banana cake/bread.......