Sunday, September 15, 2024

To Glue or Not to Glue

 Do you glue?  I don't glue.  I don't use fusible anything, I don't iron on anything that binds or sticks one piece of fabric to another.  I know a lot of you, probably most of you glue. Or fuse. I don't like the way fused fabric feels and I don't like the idea of dried glue on my stuff. 

I pin.  It's not that I'm trying to make work for myself nor am I so stubborn I won't learn new techniques, if that were the case I'd be using old cereal boxes cut up into my applique shapes.  But I have a thing about glue on fabric. So I don't glue my applique pieces onto paper nor onto fabric to hold them in place.  Since I don't machine applique glueing isn't going to make much difference to me.  I can understand in the machine applique process that glueing the fabric means not stopping for pins.  It takes a lot of time to pin. This future wreath shape for Elizabeth's BA of course was being tried on for size and when I've decided it's right I'll take it all off and iron that fabric clean straight and then pin again.  But it's a gorgeous day outside and I can do it on the porch while enjoying the day.

Katie over at katiemaytoo quilts posts about books each week.  I like that.  I don't feel so alone out here in bookland.  Many of the books she has read I have, too.  Today she posted a book about Shakespeare and coincidentally, I am within an hour of finishing this one.

I don't read a lot of Jodi Picoult.  I did read a couple but moved on.  This one was offered to me as a review copy and I thought I'd give it a chance since it's about Shakespeare and the popular controversy over whether he really did write those plays.   Whether it's true or not, I kept thinking while reading that it puts us in mind of the DaVinci Code by Dan Brown.  True or not it sure is a conversation.  

I listened to a podcast Jodi Picoult did with Charlie Gibson and his daughter Kate.  They have a great podcast called The Bookcase ( The Book Case Podcast - ABC Audio )  - if you listen to podcasts and if you read, give this a go.  I get into a lot of trouble with it.  I write down just about all of the titles as TBRs (To Be Read.)  Well, after listening to this podcast I remembered I had the book loaded on my iPad and started it.  It is truly thought provoking, and obviously controversial but given the facts in the podcast, hard to set aside as nonsense.  I advise you strongly to get in the mood and listen to the podcast before reading the book. It's like a pep rally.  


  1. I'm team pins, too. Once in a while a spot of glue for something or other, and never fusible. I'm old school like that! The book sounds a lot like the one I read, with the did he write it or not (with a dash of who was he really), but I'm hoping yours was less frustrating than mine!

  2. i don't glue or fuse either...who knows the long-term effects of them? nobody...but i do baste a heck of a lot...
