Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Brain work

 I am exhausted with thinking.  I am on a personal time crunch to get Elizabeth's BA quilt under control and it's happening from dogged determination. But the Thinking Bed is covered in fabrics, bits of cut acrylic applique pieces, photos of the planned squares, fabric auditions, my felt book that holds each page in place with finished and unfinished square plans - it's all part of the process and it's ok, but I'm exhausted.  My brain is tired. 

The weather has been hot by September standards, thankfully it is NOT humid right now, but just plain hot.  So, the planning and cutting is taking place on the front porch table under an umbrella.  Now, some of you would say, "then move inside!"  But this IS September,  this IS Michigan and these warm temperatures aren't going to last so I am taking advantage of it, even if it means carting my supplies in and out of the house.  And keeping the ice water flowing. We will all be locked inside soon enough.

I am trying to get several of the squares prepped for retreat next week.  Each retreat I usually take just one thing to work on and really dig in.  Usually it's something that needs to be quilted but this time I'm taking this BA project.  I have five blocks prepped, fabrics chosen, applique pieces mostly cut, the photos folded in for guidance. I certainly won't finish five blocks but I can dream.  Wish me luck I get at least two done.

 I keep each block in this felt book Friend Marily made for me several years ago.  It's simple.  Inexpensive felt and netting so each project has a page to lay pieces on the felt but the netting lays over the top to hold everything in place.  Sew down the middle for a seam and voila! I use this thing CONSTANTLY.  

Now to sit with my threads and choose what I'm going to take.  I pack minimally when I go to retreat because I don't take a machine.  I take a basket or tote with my hand project and my light and a chair. Yes, we have been taking our own chairs because our old behinds can't tolerate sitting in a folding chair for 4 days.  

On Tuesdays I go to the elementary school the granddaughters went to and read to a class of first graders.  When the girls were there I followed them through to the grade they were in each year. But when they left I didn't want to stop.  Their first grade teacher didn't want me to stop either so each week I go in, read two books and get hugs from the littles.  I started yesterday with this new group.

For those of you who are grandmas and read to littles when they visit, I'll post what I've read each week.  Being first graders they want funny books, nothing TOO serious but I like to mix things up with thinkers once in awhile. I have hundreds of picture books here at home so can usually just choose from my shelves. 

Here's what I read yesterday:

Every first day of school can be apprehensive to the littles.  Whether it's kindergarten or any year.  New teacher, new classroom, different classmates, new classroom rules, new lessons.  But what does the actual school building think?  Especially this school because it's brand new and has no idea what's about to happen and whether it will like it. 

Coincidentally, yesterday was the first day for show and tell in the classroom I was in so this one was fun.  Sometimes something seems like a good idea but isn't.



  1. I had to smile when I read your comments about Michigan winters. September out of doors sounds like a great idea. We have be having cooler weather. The high yesterday was 67. We'll be sending that weather your way in a few days. The felt book intrigues me. I'll have to give that some thought because I have some big pieces of white felt. Have fun at your retreat.

  2. Sounds good to be outdoors and enjoying the warm while you can. I hope you can get all prepared blocks finished on retreat and surprise yourself!! Wonderful to still be reading - both books look great, the second one looks fun!

  3. How wonderful you still go to school to read with the children.
    Good luck getting the quilt done - I am intrigued by your idea of a felt book.....I have what we call block holders - with felt pages....but no mesh...perhaps you could do a post about this topic?
    Funny how you still want to be outside knowing winter is on its way...I love our winters and absolutely hate summer which lasts about 5 months!
