Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Table update

 Remember the tale of the table?   When we unpacked it from the car it looked like this.



And today it looks like this.  

I made a couple of executive decisions while I stripped three layers of paint from it.   On the raw saw cut ends the paint really soaked into the raw edges of the wood.  I chose to sand it down as far as I could but left some to tell the story.   There are also some bits and pit holes on the top and sides that I didn't dig paint from, also part of the table's story.   The furniture fashion thing now is to paint the supports on tables and leave the top with the wood grain.  But I told PH while I considered it, after scraping off those three layers I didn't want to repaint them. The house is filled with furniture that comes with its own story and this table is ready to join the party.  

Now, where to put it?


  1. Wow! Stripping paint must have taken some time! It looks like a very happy table now!

  2. I really like this one D. If It doesn't go in your house it will go in mine.

  3. What a great job you have done, and love that you are leaving it as is to tell the story.

  4. Love it! All that work was so worth it. Over the years we have stripped back so many pieces of furniture. It’s great to see the wood grain shine.
