Sunday, July 15, 2018

So far in July

   I'm still talking to myself.  I thought nothing of this comment catastrophe when everyone was in the same boat but now I'm the only one out there so I'm not feeling the zeel of blogging right now.  I have an SOS in to Chooky and she promised to straighten this out but it's not like I expect her to drop her life to take up mine. I don't.  So, in the interest of July, here's a quick synopsis of the month's activities, which would all have merited their own post, but the air is slowly seeping out of my balloon.

 We attended the great unveiling on the 4th of July.  The beer this year came from Texas and mostly everyone liked it as a good light summer beer.
 Been to the beach
 Listened to the symphony under the stars and
 sat mere feet from the fireworks display. Astounding!
 Cleaned out the garage and found a new purpose for the toddler wheel toys
 They went down our driveway and thus back up again, numerous times until
 they were hot and exhausted

The daylilies have come and gone
Elizabeth held her own among the uncles (and an aunt) at a euchre game during the family reunion.

That brings things up do date.  Sigh.

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