Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Clocks, berries and friends

When our kids were this little (and littler) every night Patient Husband would take them for a walk after supper. Old habits die hard. It's the grandkids' turn to take evening walks with Grandpa.

We've been so busy lately with friendly visits and babysitting and berry picking I haven't been to blogland for awhile, and it was almost a disaster because I had a hard time remembering my password!

We were all picking and snacking as we filled our buckets, even Adelaide. She got tired of that stroller but as long as we parked her next to a bush with berries at her fingertips she was happy.

Such a serious face for a serious job! Don't you love her braids? Her daddy is reading Pippi Longstocking to her and she was fascinated with the braids Pippi wears so she wanted them, too.

We picked just enough for a pie and eating. The jam will come another time.

My good friends from the city came for a couple of days visit. It was great seeing them after all these weeks off school. We talked and ate and ate and talked, schlepped through some of the shops in town and then took a long walk from town to the end of the pier. This morning we ate breakfast till noon, talking, talking, talking then walked the beach. It was great. A couple of relaxing, friend filled days.
Now then, there 's something you need to know about me. I tend to do things differently. If I can find a twist, I'll take it. Sometimes it's by design, sometimes it's a flash of genius ( ! ) and sometimes it's just a happenstance. Since our friends at Snappyfriends decided to do every other week assignments I've lost track and touch with what's due when. I'm having a harder time remembering the assignment! I know "clock" is in there soon. Maybe this week? Anyway,while my friends Pat, Judy and Karen were here for a visit we walked the pier. As we reached the end there was the tall ship that lives here, right there, out just past us in the lake! I stopped to take a picture and here zoomed into the shot, a jetski. Immediately I thought CLOCK!
Where's the clock? Well, clocks tell time and this is a perfectly wonderfully quirky representation of the passing of time, a replica of a tall ship that participated in the War of 1812 and a jetski! So, sorry, Snappyfriends, if this is just too weird but I thought it was pretty good!

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