Thursday, September 21, 2023

Whale tale


 Friend Richard asked PH to go charter fishing on Lake Michigan
It's an early start when you do this, and I guess fishermen know this.  Get there early because by noon the fish are looking for a nap.  You can see on the horizon the sun hasn't even woken up yet.
This is the group.  I didn't go.  I get seasick on a pontoon on a smooth lake, on a train, car, plane, subway and swingset. I knew if I went I would neither have nor be a good time.  I know my limitations. 
Well, four people and only one fish.  And Bob was the one who caught it.  This is a king salmon...I think.  I expected much more in whale tales when PH got home but he can't much embellish just one fish. 
PH said once it was cleaned it fit into a couple of baggies. 
There are plans to go again in spring when the salmon are running because apparently, they are all napping now. 
Either way, fish or no fish, any chance to be out on Lake Michigan (or Huron, Erie, Ottawa or Superior) is a good day. 


  1. What a wonderful outing for your husband. I've never been out in open water but I, like you, get motion sick very easily. I don't think I would have gone either. I sometimes get oozy just watching a nature program where they are out on the water.

  2. What a great day out - I would be with you Denice, on firm non moving ground!!
