Wednesday, September 18, 2019


   Last year when PH and I spent our week traveling the Upper Peninsula for his work I passed the hours and hours and hours driving making yo-yos.  Over 600 of them, over 300 of two sizes.  I thought that was a good way to spend the car time and make something mindless.  Making yo-yos is mindless.
   THIS year I thought connecting those yo-yos would be a good way to create something (and get them out of the closet.)  What I didn't know.  I counted them and decided a table runner would be good.  Mindless connecting little circles.  Well.  You know yo-yos.  It's not as easy as it looks.  Good gravy.  Knot, stitch a few stitches, knot.  Knot, stitch a few stitches, knot.  Knot, stitch a few stitches, knot.  I had a tote bag on the floor between my feet,  a pillow for a work surface on my lap, the thread in the door handle pocket.  Scissors in the cup holder.  Cut threads all over the car.  Once I got encamped I had to be there for miles because it was just too much trouble packing and unpacking myself into the space.  I spent every minute of drive time stitching these little buggers together into rows of ten.  Then connecting the rows.  By the time we got home I still had to connect at least 10 rows ( I was going for 10 x 30.)  Who knows? By that time I lost count and desire.
 So, I'm stitching the last of the rows together while PH and I watched TV and I looked over at him sprawled on the couch and decide I was tired of the pillow cases I had on the back of the couch to protect it from his head.  I decided this wouldn't be a table runner, it would spice up his space. Lighting isn't great here, but you get the idea.
     I like it much better but boy, am I done with yo-yos.  Susan, watch your mailbox.

 My guardian angel (after a long day.)  I think she looks like me.   PH thinks she looks like his mother. It's a toss up.  I can see it both ways.

Just look at the pockets of pollen this bee is carrying around!


  1. You certainly did take on a challenge with all those yo-yos Denice, definitely better than me. However they look great across the back of your lounge. Your Guardian Angel sure looks like she has put in a mighty effort too.

    Oh, by the way, I have changed one of my settings for blogger, so perhaps you may be able to email me now. Let's hope so.

  2. those yo yos look great! Love your Guardian Angel very cute

  3. Hello Hello, I have finally made it to the party! It seems that my Ipad wont let me comment but the office computer that I have worked that out expect me to comment again. I am so sorry I have been absent but this Blogger platform threw me for a loop for a while. Thanks again for such a gift, and the upside of me not checking in was the parcel was a complete surprise.
