They love Joe Pye weed. When I come home and close the garage door they are all a flutter around me as I make my way to the house. There must be well over fifty of them sharing these flower heads with the bees. It's amazing. When I was trying to even attempt to capture this they were surrounding me and I could actually hear them flutter around my head. What is more delicate than a butterfly???? Yet I could hear them as they moved around me.
Amazing. I wish you could sit in this window or on the porch and see this.
I'm also sending this along to Snappyfriends. Photographer's choice. These little beauties were hard to capture...they keep moving! But oh, so beautiful! The plants are completely full of them.
I'm also sending this along to Snappyfriends. Photographer's choice. These little beauties were hard to capture...they keep moving! But oh, so beautiful! The plants are completely full of them.